The VanjasTHE VANJAS el cuarteto de Estocolmo que se ha ganado una gran reputación al evocar en su sonido a Ike & Tina, Little Richard, Blondie y THe Sonics.Inspirados en los sonidos 50´s , 60´s, soul ,Rhythm and blues, y garaje rock.
Con fuerza, su sucio y dulce Rhythm and blues, mas su dosis de soul terminarán devorando vuestro corazón!!
Ellos vuelan con gran energía, están demasiao húmedos para secarse, en su show os dejaran satisfech@s , deslumbrad@s y con ganas de más!!!
Han girado durante estos años por Suecia, Noruega, Finlandia, Dinamarka, Italia, España, U.k. y Alemania, cosechando siempre grandes críticas.
No lo dudes esta puede ser una gran noche de dance, rock and roll y energia!!!!
Algunas reseñas:
” After 13 years, someone finally matched Danko Jones on stage in Linköping Thursday evening proved Vanja Renberg in the Vanjas . She is so devilishly cool that I hardly know where to go when she completely takes over the stage . Along with the super tight musicians in the band , they are a revelation that can not defend themselves against . They have struck a fierce wedge of punk rock in the middle of its 60 pop , and there is no excuse in the world to miss them . ” Corren 26/2 2015
” .. this stockholmskvartet attacs with the same self-evident that once The Creeps , in a similar furrow of r’n’b saturated garage ” – Nils Hansson , Dagens Nyheter 21/2 2014
” In its genre is The Vanjas world-class , in the company of bands already mentioned the Detroit Cobras and The Jim Jones Revue ” . – Peter Sjöblom newspaper culture 11/2 2014
“In some phenomenal , insane and twisted moments , I wonder to myself if I experienced a similar feeling then … , well, when I heard the Hives first time ” -Dennis Andersson , barometer 02.21 2014
5 låtar, Forget about that, No tomorrow boy, Friday twist, Push it, Good bye
